About the documentary: In 1995, fifty years after her liberation from Bergen Belsen concentration camp, Alice courageously returned to Romania, Poland, and Germany with her four daughters. They found her house in the small mountain town of Sighet, Romania, and they retraced her steps to the death camps Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen where Alice was once held captive and was near death if not for the British liberators. In this documentary Alice tells what life was like growing up in Sighet, and her experiences in the death camps and what she did to survive. In the documentary, she tells the stories also described in her book, Tapestry of Hope from the very sites where they occurred! (54 min.)
A link to A Journey to Remember available upon request.
For additional information about the documentary (1995, 54 min) and to receive a link contact us. The documentary is suitable for classroom or home use. It is both informative and inspirational, and is a powerful visual supplement to Alice Kern’s book, Tapestry of Hope.
For more information about viewing the documentary please email info@alicekern.com

12/20/21 – A viewer’s comment:
I watched the Alice Kern documentary “A Journey to Remember” one of her duaghters sent me recently. It was riveting and heartbreaking.
I am on Facebook where I mostly write short reviews of the books I read.
This is what I wrote for your mother’s book:
Recently I finished her book “Tapestry of Hope.” I was given this
book by the husband of one of the author’s daughters. I’ve read quite a
bit about the Holocaust, but never such a personal story.
Alice was about 20 when the world fell apart for her family of Romanian
Jews. She tells the story of the murder of most of her family, how she
survived ‘selection’ by the Nazi monster Josef Mengele at Auschwitz and
the death march to be relocated to Bergen-Belsen as the war neared its
end. When she was rescued she weighed 50 pounds.
Alice tells this gruesome story without bitterness or hatred. It is a
rare first-hand account of the cruelty mankind is capable of, and it is
something we must not forget.
Michael B. Portland, OR